Try the political quiz

203 Replies


Discuss a time when you felt your cultural identity was acknowledged or neglected within your community or country. How did that make you feel?

 @9J56XNP from California answered…5mos5MO

 @9J56JBK from California answered…5mos5MO


What's been your experience with the cultural diversity around you, and how has it shaped your opinion on mixed communities sharing one space?

 @9HTBRZ2from PR answered…5mos5MO


To what extent should historical and religious ties to land influence modern statehood and political boundaries?


They should'nt influence people to believe anything and let them have their own rights to the situation


I feel like there shouldn't be any land influence even if they have different viewpoints, people are people.


How do you feel about forming bonds with others based on common interests rather than common heritage?

 @9LGFC6W from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

I think forming bonds with interests are more important because generally you feel more comfortable with people when you can relate to them and share similar likeness to things

 @9LFLFCX from Maine answered…2mos2MO


Can a society flourish by focusing on shared values and goals instead of common ancestry or religion?


If everyone groups together to prevent the genocide of Palestine it will greatly aid the people rather than it just being the people of that specific religion/common ancestry.


the political stance of Jews who are "willing to help support Jewish settlement in Palestine ... but will not come on aliyah."


What aspects of your own culture or identity could thrive in a world without distinct nation-states?

 @9L3H8HD from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I would say none because as we have more and more culture coming in it becomes smaller and smaller

 @9L3GNL9Independent from California answered…3mos3MO

A sense of greater unity among Latinos as many despite being very similar culturally hate each other because of nations or stereotypes.


In what way could a group's unique traditions and stories remain vital without a sovereign territory?

 @9L4ZKCYfrom Washington answered…3mos3MO

Land possession is not necessary to maintain traditions. This is one of the core issues in the middle east in my opinion.

 @9L4ZK3D from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

having a sovereign territory is different than bombing innocent children to try and stake claim on land that doesnt belong to them. commiting genocide is definitely not a great to keep a groups unique traditions remain vital.


Can people maintain their identity without political sovereignty, and how might that look in practice?

 @9J4ZSGZSocialist from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

It might mean that jewish people would have to return israel to palestine.


What does 'home' mean to you, and could it exist without a physical territory?


If a community doesn't have a nation-state, what other factors can unite them?


What role do you think stories and history play in your sense of belonging to a community?


Have you observed ways that communities honor their heritage without political recognition as a nation?

 @9KBMPNRRepublican from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

No, I believe that Israel shall belong to the Jewish people who have lived there since 1947.


How might someone's identity be influenced by the idea of a nation-state versus a stateless existence?

 @9HDZDCV from Texas answered…6mos6MO


What personal values support your view on the relationship between culture and geopolitics?

 @9KPKKCYProgressive from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO


How might the concept of belonging evolve if we emphasize personal connections over territorial ones?

 @9K99962 from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

Being neutral in this context is actually not being neutral at all because you're LETTING them do it. Although non-Zionism has many different forms I believe that just because you belong to a group doesn't mean you have to blindly follow the majority especially if it is morally incorrect.


Is the concept of a nation-state becoming obsolete in this age of globalization and interconnectedness?

 @9HNC4X8 from California answered…6mos6MO


What elements make a community feel like 'home' to you, and are they necessarily tied to a specific location?

 @9JHCTXN from Texas answered…4mos4MO

The elements in a community that make me feel like home are number 1 the people around, number 2 the food and smells, and number three the culture. It is specifically where you are raised where you compare the differences.


What are the advantages or disadvantages of forming a cultural identity independent of a physical location?


How do you define 'community,' and does it need to be centered around a physical location?

 @9LC8YBL from Hawaii answered…2mos2MO

I define community as a word for a group of people to connect regardless of the place they are in, as they can go where ever they wish.


How can diverse communities within a single country effectively and peacefully share power and resources?

 @9HNBRBZ from Virginia answered…6mos6MO


If you imagine your ideal community, does it include people from multiple backgrounds without a primary national identity?

 @9LCZX9JRepublican from California answered…2mos2MO


How does the idea of universal human rights mesh with the concept of a country for a specific group?

 @9L6VT8HJustice party member from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I think its a good idea because lets take North Korea as an example. Compared to the United States, they have no rights over anything or any free will. Everyone deserves human rights, have a right to speak up, and have their own voice.


In a world with increasing migration, how important is it to you to maintain a connection to a homeland?

 @9LGCZRZ from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

While I don't feel too deeply connected to my own "homeland", I do think everyone should have the right to have a connection to their homeland and maintain it via peaceful solutions.


What personal experiences have taught you about the ability to maintain cultural integrity without the framework of a nation-state?


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