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What role could art play in shaping a society's perspective on legalized drugs?

 @9JF8NBS from Texas answered…5mos5MO

by allowing people to see how it has affected peoples evey day lifes and childhood.

 @9JGV3DN from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Art could potentially change people's perspectives on the idea when it comes to drug liberalization. Maybe through art pieces, literature, and maybe musicians, the idea of banning drugs in some areas could allow people to realize the problem or agree with the idea of it. It could bring more attention to drug liberalization.

 @9JF8QCD from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

 @9JF8935 from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO


Imagine a music festival where all drugs are legal; what new safety measures might you expect?

 @9JD4DKYSocialist from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

Narcan and other ways to prevent overdoses. Strict security to make sure those who are on drugs are not a danger to themselves or others.

 @9JDXV67Socialist from California agreed…5mos5MO

If all drugs are legal, it only makes sense to take precautions for abuse. Bars have bouncers, this isn't exactly a new idea.

 @9JD8DH8 from Texas agreed…5mos5MO

If all drugs are legal at this festival, there should absolutely be more security and Narcan so no one overdoses or potentially harms others.

 @9JD7M3T from Missouri disagreed…5mos5MO

Why take the risk of putting the drugs out there and getting people who haven't done them to start doing them which that leads to possibly more people doing drugs and more drugs on the street.

 @9JD4GKP from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

Lots of cops and medical care around as the dangers of people overdosing could always be at bay.

 @9JGZ9XMIndependent from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

Medical care would reduce the deaths of these people significantly because they are trained professionals and can stop an overdose if it is happening. Police because people can become violent. Just because the drugs are legal does not mean that the actions done while on said drugs are legal.

 @9JD4WZN from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

I would expect there to be mandated disposal facilities and specific areas where drugs can be used. Guards should be posted around the festival to prevent violent actions fueled by the use of drugs. If regulations are not followed, a large fine should be imposed.

 @9JD4GPM from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO


In a place where drug use is legal, how would you define 'substance abuse'?

 @9JS3LYK from Indiana answered…4mos4MO


The use of an addictive substance in excess and consuming it to dangerous levels.

 @9JS3ZQY from New York answered…4mos4MO

Substance abuse is someone who depends on drugs and are heavily addicted

 @9JS3TQ3 from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

I would define substance abuse is when they can not quit this substance because they are simply addicted or when it causes harm to that persons family,love life, social life, work life and harms their ability of having a job.That is when I believe that there is a substance abuse problem.


Would you trust the government more or less if they legalized all drugs, and why?

 @9JF87QYDemocrat from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

less. many more people would die of overdoses. the government should not be able to pass a law that can harm people as much as this would

 @9JHMN8WRepublican from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

Just like vapes, alcohol, and many more substances having restrictions, we have seen that it has helped reduce intake. Although having a safer way of doing something bad, you shouldn't be doing something that will kill you even thought its "safer".

 @9JFHBDS from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

Decriminalization is the best path forward. More addicts would seek help if they knew they would not be legally liable.

 @9JF88QJWomen’s Equality from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

I would trust them more but people would find a way to get drugs no matter how legal they are

 @9JFF5SN from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

The government has proven itself untrustworthy in most policies. I would not trust them on this either.

 @9JFD5Q2 from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

This would decrease my trust as it would look as if they are attempting to profit off of drug addiction.

 @9JFCG5W from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

same. its the peopls choice wether they want tu use drugs or not, but we need orginazations to help if one can't or want to stop using it.


How might the everyday life of a teenager look different if all drugs were legal?

 @9JF6MQH from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

I can't say there wouldn't be a rise in teenage overdosing or deaths, that being said if it were to be legalized there's still an age restriction it would just have to actually be enforced. Therefore the "average life of a teenager" would look as it does today. Using fakes to get what they want or paying someone else.


Teenagers lives would be bad. Those teenagers would have to become parents at some point. I believe there is some good in this world and maybe a few would not go crazy. But I would then see it the same as alcohol. Personally I think drinking is already a bad thing but doing drugs is even worse.

 @9JF66DS from Georgia answered…5mos5MO


How would you feel about your best friend experimenting with legalized drugs?

 @9JGV3DN from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I would not like the idea of my best friend experimenting with legalized drugs because I think it would be harmful towards them. Although it can be beneficial in banning drugs in certain states, I would not feel comfortable or safe with my best friend risking their life to do that. Drug Liberalization is not a negative idea that I don't like, I just would not risk my best friend's life for that.


If my best friend felt as though it was a right option for her, then it is not my place to offer my opinion over her autonomy.

 @9JF7PYR from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

I’d be fine with it. Adults should be able to decide what they put in their bodies.


How would society change if we viewed drug addiction as a medical condition rather than a criminal act?

 @9HFWQG5 from California answered…6mos6MO

There would be much more government intervention and aid. This could be seen as both good and bad.

 @9HFVBVD from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think that more people would become addicted to drugs and the country would collapse.

 @9HFTWN4 from Colorado answered…6mos6MO


If recreational drugs were sold similarly to alcohol, how do you think this would affect your community?

 @9HFVYZNRepublican from Texas answered…6mos6MO

If recreational drugs were sold similarly to alcohol, I think this would affect my community negatively as an increase in drug consumption will impact the health, mental, and physical state of the citizens.

 @9HFVH8F from California answered…6mos6MO

I think with the right education in place, it would be fine. It depends on the drugs, of course. Things like LSD and psilocybin are illegal for no discernible reason.

 @9HFV2S3 from California answered…6mos6MO


How might drug legalization influence the relationship between citizens and law enforcement?

 @9HFX7S4 from New York answered…6mos6MO

The legalization of weed will decrease the number of people being unfairly incarcerated and no one should go to jail for drug possession but people with hard drugs should be sent to a rehab facility

 @9HFXDWN from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Perhaps make it for the better because then their will be less people in jail, that don't deserve to be there.

 @9HFX74L from Michigan answered…6mos6MO


Where would the line be drawn on drug advertising if all substances were legal to use?

 @9HZWHNL from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Drugs couldn't be advertised to anyone under the legal age to do them, though they shouldn't be legalized at all except in medical cases.

 @9HZWGMV from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

That's the biggest problem right now. Drugs shouldn't just be legal to use at all. There should be no drug advertising either because it rather "glorifies" using harmful substances.


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