Try the political quiz

310 Replies


What would happen if leaders believed they knew your personal needs better than you do?

 @9HN4GG3 from South Dakota answered…6mos6MO

They lived an entirely different life compared to mine, they definitely do not know my personal needs s much as I do myself

 @9HN473ZPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…6mos6MO

They will become overpowering in a form as such of having your whole life planned out for you.

 @9HN3TK8 from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I think on paper it is a ridiculous, but if you think about it, it might be necessary. Leaders should not be able to deny you of any true necessity but they have the right to claim when too much or too little of something is being had.

 @9HN3ZZMWorkers from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO


If you had to depend on the community for your successes and failures, how might that shape your ambitions?

 @9KBCG4V from Utah answered…4mos4MO

It would definitely change how i view the people living around me, I would form more opinions on them and I would put more effort into my appearance and try to influence they way they view me.

 @9KBCBMN from Utah answered…4mos4MO

I don't really know what this is but I don't want to depend on the community for what happens to me.

 @9KBC6JHRepublican from Utah answered…4mos4MO


How would your motivation at school or work change if you were rewarded the same as everyone else, regardless of effort?

 @9KBS9XCSocialist from Iowa answered…4mos4MO


I don't think I'd feel very motivated because not everyone deserves an award.

 @9KBBTGF from Utah answered…4mos4MO

I would like to think that I would continue to work hard, however there would most cirtainly be people that would slack off, because they know that no matter how little they work in school that they would continue to get the same score as everyone else. this would eventually lead to a massive shift down in scores and overall smartness of students.


What's your stance on the necessity of strong leadership versus the importance of everyone having a say in group decisions?

 @9K9CDN6 from New York answered…4mos4MO

when it comes to the necessity of strong leadership versus the importance of everyone having a say in group decisions, it's all about finding a balance, you know? Strong leadership can provide direction, coordination, and efficiency, while also ensuring that decisions are made in a timely manner. However, it's equally important to value the input and perspectives of everyone in the group. Including diverse voices leads to better decision-making and a sense of ownership among the members. So, a combination of strong leadership and inclusive decision-making can create a healthy and effective group dynamic.

 @9KHV872Democrat from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

I think having a strong leader provides stability to a group while also hearing the diverse voices of the people in the group can help us come to a good resolution to issues.

 @9K9BL3LPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I think it's important to find a balance in both. A leader is necessary, but the most important part is if that leader can work well with others. Being an active listener to the people around you, and incorporating some of their ideas and feelings is what makes a good team and a leader people can respect.

 @9K9B46PWorking Family from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

They go hand-in-hand. You need a strong leader to help steer the group in the right direction but you also need group decisions because ones decision can be flawed.


Would you support a decision that's best for society but limits your own personal freedoms?

 @9HN53WX from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

No, the would is never going to be a utopia, everyone has their personal freedoms.


If you had to trust a group of strangers to make decisions for you, what qualities would they need to have?

 @9HGYQ9MRepublican from New York answered…6mos6MO

1) Honest ( tell it like it is )
2) don’t bring in your religious views
3) They must favor the working class not the poor class or the wealthy class. The poor need jobs not cash,
They welfare is not a career choice.


Is absolute equality in society an achievable goal, or is some level of inequality inevitable?

 @9HN58Z8from Maine answered…6mos6MO

Full equality isnt possible in the current stage of humanity, but it can happen in the far future

 @9HN57DLSocialist from Utah answered…6mos6MO

some level has to be there, someone will have to be in charge of enforcing it


How would you feel if the pursuit of collective equality limited your personal development opportunities?

 @9HVDKMT from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I would feel as though the government would be oppressing the choices I have.


How does the idea of a pre-determined revolutionary path, led by an elite group, align with your personal values about democracy and self-determination?

 @9HDJ4SRfrom Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

Considering the concept of "Leninism" and its notion of a pre-determined revolutionary path orchestrated by an elite group, I find myself grappling with a stark misalignment with my personal values concerning democracy and self-determination. While Leninism advocates for a vanguard party to guide the masses, my commitment to democratic ideals emphasizes the importance of decentralized decision-making and individual empowerment. I firmly believe that true democracy thrives when people actively participate in shaping their destinies, fostering a sense of self-determination among indiv…  Read more


How do you think history might judge a society that puts collective goals above individual aspirations?

 @9HVP69QProgressive  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

A society that puts collective goals over individuals aspirations will be admired and will be judged fairly by hsistory.


Have you ever changed your group's direction based on the ideas of a few influential members, and was the outcome positive?

 @9HN536T from California answered…6mos6MO

I have never changed my group's direction based on the ideas of a few influential members.


How would daily motivation differ in a society where material success isn't the end goal?

 @9L4RFCWWomen’s Equality from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

it would differ because people would want to succeed based off what they could get but what they can learn.

 @9L4RCWZ from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

I feel like I wouldn't have as much motivation cause I would have nothing to show for my work.


If a society provides for all your needs, what kind of work would you choose to do, and what would motivate you?

 @9JQ2RQN from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

i would choose something i enjoyed like a hobby rather than something where all the money is because i would have everything i needed

 @9JPWBWX from Michigan answered…4mos4MO


How would the way you see your role in society change if personal achievement was no longer a measure of success?

 @9KL2TSS from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

 @9KL2T9M from Missouri answered…3mos3MO


Would a classless society where everyone's role is equally valued appeal to you, and why?

 @9HN3SR6Independence from Alabama answered…6mos6MO

 @9HG2QS4Democrat  from Michigan commented…6mos6MO

No, that is true socialism or commmunism and neither socialism or communism will work. it always ends in dictatorship and i want no part in dictatorship. Also you need to not have everyone get stuff easily


If success was measured by community improvement rather than individual gain, how might that impact your future plans?

 @9KBBM22Socialist from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

It wouldn’t, I plan on leading this nation to greatness, whether it be through the military or as a corporate power.

 @9KBBCCG from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

i might not have what everyone is gaining even if it's for the community the lack of materials it provides can be difficult.


Do you think the concept of 'for the common good' can justify actions that restrict certain liberties, and if so, under what circumstances?


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