Try the political quiz

85 Replies


Should individuals with paedophilic tendencies who haven't committed a crime receive public sympathy or support?

 @9HD9Q6X from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Addressing paedophilia as a mental health issue is crucial, and providing support and resources for individuals who haven't acted on their tendencies can be a preventive measure. Encouraging them to seek professional help in managing their impulses can potentially prevent harm to children. However, public sympathy must be balanced with the understanding that protecting children is paramount. Compassion should be directed towards helping individuals access therapy and support while ensuring strict boundaries and safeguards to prevent any potential harm to minors

 @9H9KWM9from Maine commented…7mos7MO

Since they haven’t committed to it, they have the right to receive support and change


Can someone fully recover from being a paedophile, and if so, how should society treat them afterwards?


Only if they have done no harm to another person and truly wish to better themself and are taking steps to resolve their mental illness.


No, because they have taken away multiple things from minors, and therefore shouldn't be given back anything.


Is it possible to have a society that is both fully protective of children's rights and also forgiving of those who have not acted on paedophilic impulses?

 @9HDQ2FG from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

No, I don't understand how pedophilia can even happen, it's not something that you just openly fess up to that you like children. I don't think people will ever get over someone who likes kids.


Do you think art or literature that features relationships between adults and minors should be censored?


In what ways do you think the internet has changed the dynamic of child protection?


If someone you admired was accused of paedophilia, how would you react?