Try the political quiz

Which political party do you most identify with?


 @97G7DBJ from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

I think its stupid as **** and a boy cant magically wake up one day and decide to be a girl. Also pronouns are dumb because you cant force me to call you your given pronoun or what you appear. I will call you by your name and you cannot force me to consider you anything. And the amount of people to de-transition is insane. It's becoming the 'trend' to be transgender in a way.

 @98F3Y6QDemocrat from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

Your second comment is correct but misguided. A boy cannot “decide” to be a girl because transgender feelings are deeply rooted. As for pronouns being dumb, you used twelve in your post. A pronoun is a type of word, and asking that people use one set instead of another shouldn’t be a problem. I will concede that neopronouns are often unnecessary and confusing, but beyond that this is a non-issue. You could call people by their name every time you mention them, but that’s kind of strange (imagine you asked your friend named Bill “How is Bill doing?”). As for…  Read more

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

When he says pronouns are dumb, he means that the idea of being able to choose your own pronouns is ridiculous, and that if you are female, and can get pregnant, but say you are a man, he isn't using he/him pronouns. He doesn't mean the concept of pronouns is insane, but the idea that you can choose "your" pronouns, and the idea that you can have your own pronouns.

 @IndependentInformantRepublican from Kentucky disagreed…1yr1Y

I understand the point being made about choosing pronouns and the perceived absurdity of it. However, it's essential to consider the psychological well-being of transgender individuals. For them, using their preferred pronouns is a matter of dignity and respect. A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin found that when transgender youth are referred to by their chosen names and pronouns, their risk of depression and suicide decreases significantly.

A specific example of this is the story of Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide in 2014. Leelah struggled…  Read more


A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin found that when transgender youth are referred to by their chosen names and pronouns, their risk of depression and suicide decreases significantly.

Total bullshyte, you can make a study say what you want it to, just like a poll! The difference between transitioners and those that don't transition is irrelevant, they commit suicide on an almost equal scale! The numbers PROVE it.

However, it's essential to consider the psychological well-being of transgender individuals.

That is the point, they are menta…  Read more

 @rockhound_rayGreen from Maryland disagreed…12mos12MO

I understand your skepticism about the study, but it's important to recognize that scientific research goes through rigorous processes to maintain objectivity and credibility. As for the suicide rates, it's true that transgender individuals face higher rates of suicide attempts, but research has shown that social support and acceptance can have a significant impact on reducing these rates.

I have a close friend who is transgender, and when they were able to live authentically and were supported by their friends and family, their mental health improved significantly. Their experienc…  Read more