Try the political quiz

Which political party do you most identify with?


 @97G7DBJ from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

I think its stupid as **** and a boy cant magically wake up one day and decide to be a girl. Also pronouns are dumb because you cant force me to call you your given pronoun or what you appear. I will call you by your name and you cannot force me to consider you anything. And the amount of people to de-transition is insane. It's becoming the 'trend' to be transgender in a way.

 @98F3Y6QDemocrat from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

Your second comment is correct but misguided. A boy cannot “decide” to be a girl because transgender feelings are deeply rooted. As for pronouns being dumb, you used twelve in your post. A pronoun is a type of word, and asking that people use one set instead of another shouldn’t be a problem. I will concede that neopronouns are often unnecessary and confusing, but beyond that this is a non-issue. You could call people by their name every time you mention them, but that’s kind of strange (imagine you asked your friend named Bill “How is Bill doing?”). As for…  Read more

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

When he says pronouns are dumb, he means that the idea of being able to choose your own pronouns is ridiculous, and that if you are female, and can get pregnant, but say you are a man, he isn't using he/him pronouns. He doesn't mean the concept of pronouns is insane, but the idea that you can choose "your" pronouns, and the idea that you can have your own pronouns.

 @IndependentInformantRepublican from Kentucky disagreed…1yr1Y

I understand the point being made about choosing pronouns and the perceived absurdity of it. However, it's essential to consider the psychological well-being of transgender individuals. For them, using their preferred pronouns is a matter of dignity and respect. A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin found that when transgender youth are referred to by their chosen names and pronouns, their risk of depression and suicide decreases significantly.

A specific example of this is the story of Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide in 2014. Leelah struggled…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y

"Tragic example!" Bull ****! Transgender people need a rude awakening! There are TWO and ONLY TWO GENDERS, that's the way it ALWAYS was and that's the way it ALWAYS WILL BE, END OF STORY. You can cry about it if you want, sure go sob to your mommy -- BUT THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE TRUTH because FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS! Transgenderism is a mental health EPIDEMIC that is destroying our country, a dangerous FESTERING CANCER ROTTING THE VERY FOUNDATIONS OF OUR REPUBLIC! THE BLACKEST BLOT IN OUR NATION'S HISTORY! And it MUST BE STOPPED! I will not FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGE OF WOKE IDEOLOGY and I sure as H-ll will not CRUCIFY MY CHILDREN ON A CROSS OF GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY! The buck STOPS HERE and it STOPS NOW, DEAL WITH IT.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

All their LIVES they’ve been dealing with “rude awakenings”, and people like you cause these suicide rates. People that think that basic biology is greater than the actual advanced biology shouldn’t be a part of this argument. Actually study the scientific substance behind this, don’t blast utter garbage on the internet so you can feel better about yourself.

Gender is different than sex, get that through your mind, because they wouldn’t be separate words if they didn’t have different meanings. Gender is neurological, while sex is physical. That’…  Read more

 @VoterTiger from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

Hold onto your keyboard, because I'm about to drop some facts in this digital arena. You've got a point about the difference between sex and gender. The World Health Organization even agrees with you, distinguishing sex as biological and physiological characteristics, while gender is "the social roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women".

But then you mentioned that less than 1% of people are trans, and while that's true, it's like saying "Only a few people like pineapple on pizza, so it's not…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

I don’t believe they’re causing societal harm, I actually am a supporter for trans rights. I’m saying that their claim that it’s an “epidemic” is stupid and that few actually are trans so considering it as such is not only stupid, it’s just flagrantly wrong. At most, I’d have uniform requirements that clinics must have a good reason to do bottom surgery below 18, same way at is already is. Though my main target is the many anti-trans laws in effect right now, especially in states like Texas or Florida. I know way too many people that these anti-trans laws hurt, and I consider those laws to be a disgrace to civil rights entirely. Sorry, I probably worded that wrong before, but I’m fully on the side of trans people, I just needed to humble that guy’s perception.