Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9FDFRYW from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Why would it matter the united states is letting illegal immigrants in anyways

 @9FD7Q3H from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Latinos cross the border to do and that whites are not willing to do. You can see the results happening in real time in Florida ever since DiSantis passed his immigration policy, fruit is being left to rot because there are no workers anymore who are willing to pick it, homes are left half built because all the construction workers have left the state due to being undocumented

No; farmers, construction foremen, and other manual laborer bosses hire illegal immigrants so that they can be paid under the minimum wage without complaint. If they /do/ raise a fuss - straight to prison.

If fair wages were paid out to all, and farmers didn't want to offshore dole out their labor to the lowest common denominator, perhaps we'd see a little more white people in more menial work. Like how we do with all our manufacturing in China, and Thailand, and Vietnam - all those jobs being done by child laborers used to all be done by American men in factories getting paid 15-17+ dollars an hour, you know.

 @CrummyOctopusfrom Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

You raise some interesting points, particularly about the economic impact of stricter immigration policies. However, it's worth noting that the cost of border security has been a contentious issue for decades, with both sides of the political aisle at times advocating for increased funding. The complexity of the issue goes beyond the cost of physical infrastructure.

On the other hand, it's important to remember that the goal of immigration policy is not to provide cheap labor but to regulate who enters the country, for what purpose, and for how long. The issue of jobs that "wh…  Read more

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