Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9H7FJFMIndependentfrom Northern Mariana Islands answered…7mos7MO

I strongly support democratization of society wherever possible. However, I think that having local governments working in tandem with state and national governments is beneficial, as a lot of the projects that cities, especially smaller cities and rural communities, want to undertake require funding that usually comes from larger governmental entities. If we were to remove the federal and state governments from the affairs of cities, or at least reduce their involvement, then there would be negative consequences. At the same time, national and state governments are not super well equipped to handle every single issue in every single city across the nation. Hence, a balance is necessary.

 @9H7FDV6 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

Social media and "cult of the individual" often cloud issues by providing - and spreading - disinformation rather than facts. Journalists must make it quite clear when they are reporting "straight news" as opposed to opinion. Stop blurring the lines; if I can tell the political leanings of a reporter/journalist/analyst etc. then they are NOT providing straight, unbiased news. If you are giving your opinion, say so. Guests on podcasts or other media should state the source of their expertise; e.g. is the guest someone with extensive experience and education on a particular program or process, or is that person giving their opinion (have they been peer-reviewed) ?