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35 Replies

 @9H4HXZ8 from Missouri disagreed…6mos6MO

it is undeniable that the woman is carrying the child. it is HER health and life at risk when carrying that child. if there is detrimental risk at play, then she should always have the choice to terminate, which does happen even further along in the pregnancy.

 @9H4THYN from Arizona disagreed…6mos6MO

What about for the women who were involuntarily impregnated, or for those who cannot withstand the insufferable day by night pain? Those who within their life decided they simply were not ready for it and they have the opportunity to start over before the unborn being ever has enough recollection to of self to be considered "human".

 @9H4C68H from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

The woman is the one baring the baby she is the one that is affected physically and mentally the most so she is the one that gets the say in what happens with her body

 @9H4B3MJWorking Family from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

She had a say when she allowed a guy to have sex with her. He should have a say about his unborn child

 @9H4BXBX from Missouri disagreed…6mos6MO

it's 100% the woman's decision because the woman is the one carrying the baby, and a heart beat does not prove that something is alive. fetuses aren't alive and have no brain function, and are parasitical in nature.

 @9H4B3MJWorking Family  from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

If a women doesn’t Want a baby don’t allow a man to have unprotected sex with you. If you do then the man should have a say if you kill his baby. If It is rape then It is 100 percent the women choice you want to be an adult and make an adult decision to have unprotected sex then deal with the adult consequences.

 @9H4TTMNWomen’s Equality from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

If the parents can not afford to take of the child, why should they keep it. And it is the women's decision because it is her body, and many different reasons, if the dad isn't present why keep they baby, if the father is still there but is abusive, why keep the baby? Heart beat or not, people kill people everyday for no good reason, so why get in the business of people that can't or just don't need a baby at the point in life. Also they never asked to be here, and why put a child through so much pain and suffering.

 @9HK6K2H  from Oregon disagreed…6mos6MO

Firstly, it is not 50% mom and 50% dad in a literal sense, as the mother provides all the nutrients. But the point of your argument isn't that fact, it's about the decision being 100% the person who carries. And I agree with you, to a degree. I believe that in a good relationship that the two should be completely able to have a healthy discussion about what they want to do about the pregnancy. But at the end of the day it is the women's decision, and that is simply because it is her body. And about what we define as living things, Abortion is a thing that is specifically design…  Read more

 @9HKCJZX from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

There are many reasons why a woman would want or need an abortion, none of which is anybody's business. For example, if the women has a disease where they can get sick or even end up dying from a pregnancy and/or birth, then they should have the choice of doing what they think is best. Some men are not the best fathers and would make a decision that could hurt the mother. If the woman is raped by the man that impregnated her, she should have the decision to abort.

 @9H5F338 from Arizona disagreed…6mos6MO

i believe that every women should have a choice of abortion because we have things like 13 y/o moms and some people just arent ready for a baby.

 @9H4HR68Socialist from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

It is the woman's right to choose regardless of contraception. There is not a full developing body resembling a baby until the 3rd trimester. A heart beat does not indicate this fetus will be a baby. A lot can happen in a pregnancy and the woman's safety comes first.

 @9H4C24H from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

The entire decision lies with the woman. The government does not of the right to tell a person what he or she can or cannot do with his or her body.

 @9H4B3MJWorking Family  from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

 @9H6VYGB from Arizona disagreed…6mos6MO

You’re also 50% your mom and 50% your dad. Do you call your parents to decide every time you have a medical issue? A pregnancy is a medical condition that applies only to the woman. Due to current societal standards, the father has less of a responsibility for a baby as the mother.

If a heartbeat means murder then do you support keeping brain-dead people alive indefinitely? A baby at 22 days after conception would not survive out of the womb. At this point it is more a part of the mother than its own organism. It’s so early on that’s it’s common for mothers to not even know they’re pregnant at this point.

 @9HK4CTFIndependent from Oklahoma disagreed…6mos6MO

Despite being created by both parents the woman is who carries the burden and risk. Death during childbirth is more common than many think and that risk lays entirely with the woman not the man. If she is risking her life to carry a child she should be able to dictate what happens.

 @9H4TYJVPeace and Freedomdisagreed…6mos6MO

The mom is the one who has to carry the baby, go through all the changes on their body and mental health, and give birth. Some people are just not ready. The mom does everything and the dad does nothing.

 @9H4CPGJ from Connecticut disagreed…6mos6MO

1.) Because the fetus, zygote, etc. is in the mother's body and the father does not go through the pain of giving birth to the soon to-be baby.
2.) This “baby” is an unconscious, non-sentient clump of cells. If a clump of human cells truly is a baby, you'd expect 50% of people to save it in a petri-dish from a house fire and 50% to save a 1-week old newborn; but I doubt anyone would save the petri-dish instead of the newborn.

 @9H4CKMV from Missouri disagreed…6mos6MO

It also has about a 20% chance of a spontaneous abortion by that time. The mother's body is completely in charge of whether the fetus will survive. There are so many grey areas in that that to think a law can cover it is typical state thinking. Example what about the mother with new cancer and pregnancy? do you deny her chemo because it will kill the fetus (ie abortion)? What about a fetus with no chance of survival outside the womb but leaving it in may cause death or disability to mom. The list goes on and on. Thinking that the "state" knows best is always a disaster.

 @9H4C5CHWomen’s Equality from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

“God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” Genesis 2:7
The fetus takes 38 weeks to fully form, but at 20 week it has a chance at survival outside of the womb. It has less than a 5% chance of survival, a chance but still minimal. A fetus is also not considered alive until it has breathed its first breath outside of the womb, as documented in the laws of our country. A fetus that cannot be proven to have breathed on its own cannot be considered a murder victim.
All of this is to say, a fetus cannot surv…  Read more

 @9H6VSVGfrom Guam disagreed…6mos6MO

The child is completely dependent on mother for all of its nutritional needs, with so little involvement of parent, then why should men be given choice for an unborn child that cant survive in the real world without the mother? Husbands' contribution is very negligible in making a baby. A baby isn't considered to have taken birth until it is completely self-sufficient in body processes like respiration and digestion which happen only after birth. If the women realises she can't satisfactorily raise the baby, why must she be forced to do it, wouldn't it make her little detached from the child. Such children with little parental guide can later develop depression and suicide or become criminals because they can't differentiate between right and wrong. Should an entire community be harmed to save a not-so-alive foetus?

 @9H5BL23 from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

The woman is the one carrying the baby. Especially if the husband is out of the picture, the woman has to be the one that gets to make decisions. It's her body, her choice.

 @9H5NTY6 from Idaho agreed…6mos6MO

The dad should have a say because they are a parent. It is a living human ans should always be given a chance to life a full and happy life.

 @9H5L8NV from Virginia agreed…6mos6MO

I agree because there needs to be thoughts put into having a child, and killing the child just because you didn't think through taking care of them is awful.


I agree that it should be discussed by both members of the couple. It impacts both of them mentally.

 @9H4F2R5Republican from Alabama agreed…6mos6MO

I agree! The father should have a say as long as he is willing to be responsible and did not rape nor abuse the mother.


Yes but I also think abortion should be outlawed since it encourages the murder of children, also if it were to happen I think the father and mother must both have to agree and sign a legal document.

 @9HK427Q from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

If a baby being born into the world means they are going to have a worse off life the you should have every right to abort it. Also the woman’s life should be in consideration in terms of getting the abortion.

 @9H6CMNHfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…6mos6MO

the abolition is a paradox but if the mother can t have a baby for certain thing like health it should the baby be aborted but if finance or social the state should take care of the baby its a choice

 @9H5NW72  from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

If you do not support abortion you do not have to get one. The whole point of being pro-choice is to GIVE women the option to choose what is best for them and the fetus. Plus, men are not the ones who have to carry the baby for 9 months and continue to nurture the baby for them to survive.

 @9H4CWBXGreen from Colorado disagreed…6mos6MO

This is a stupid argument. It’s not actually a heartbeat. Even if it was, a heartbeat is not and should not be how we constitute a life. Regardless of whether it’s 50% dad, the woman is the one whose well-being and life is at risk from pregnancy and childbirth.

 @9H548QN from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

Its 100% her choice because she is the one who is able to actually grow the baby, not the man. She is the main provider for the baby so it can grow.

 @9H4JN6QWomen’s Equality from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

First of all, the fetus is growing in the woman's body so it should be her choice whether or not she wants to keep it. A 4-week-old fetus isn't a functioning baby it looks like a blob. would you rather for a child to grow up knowing that they weren't wanted or be abandoned by their parents or worse live in poverty?

 @9H4C5RP from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

Because the mother is the one who has to do 100% of the work carrying and birthing the child so she gets to make her own choice. Heartbeat means nothing baby’s aren’t people at conception or even 6 weeks they’re babies at birth

 @9H566X2 from Rhode Island disagreed…6mos6MO

If someone cannot provide properly for a child they should not have one and be tied down for their life. It’s not fair to the child or parent. Maybe it’s the wrong time and they would be doing a disservice to the child


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