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26 Replies

 @9H53D5M from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Whether or not the woman wants the baby should not allow them to kill said child, if they didn't want a child then the should have taken the necessary precautions to avoid the child being brought into existence.

 @9H5HD97 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, especially since the men do not have to carry the baby for 9 months, have to go through the pain of childbirth, or have childbirth have the chance to kill you.

 @9H8K36WPeace and Freedom from California agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this comment because if the government has an issue with the lives of fetuses being taken away, why don't they deal with the issue of gun violence that leads to shootings happening across the nation? Rape also comes onto this topic, if a victim were raped and got pregnant she should have the right to abort the child. If adopting a child aswell has many requirements, why would it also be okay for a teenager to be forced to have a child?

 @9H7VKJG from South Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

i feel like if a women can lay down and help make a baby she can take care of it, the man and woman are both grown they know what happenes when you do certain things a innicent baby should not lose therir life because they wobt to be selfish.

 @9H7TYH6 from North Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

i think that a woman's right to her body is basically human rights, because if we said "hey lets take away a mans right to have balls" then a lot of men would get extremely mad because their bodies are getting controlled by the government, but the second a woman doesn't want to have a child shes suddenly an outcast? by taking away a woman's right to decide over the fact if she gets to have children or not, can change the fact if she pays rent, or eats dinner that night. So if we take away the right to a woman's body then we should at least give funding to the resources helping these women raise the children, or put more funding into the foster care system.

 @9H7GSCJ from California agreed…6mos6MO

I agree because women should have the right to their own body. Being controlled by someone who isn't themselves and doesn't know what a woman is going through shows the lack of rights for women. Women should be allowed to do what they want because it's something they're not ready for. Banning abortions can also increase the amount of deaths from illegal abortions.

 @9H5K67B from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because it is her body her choice no office should be in charge of your body.

 @9H5HP8FProgressive from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

agreed. men can support women having abortions but have no right to tell her wether she can or cant or should or shouldnt

 @9H5H38VWomen’s Equality from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with the author. It’s ultimately the women who has to go through this process, she should make that decision.

 @9H7B5BX from West Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

Even if you think it should be a choice, the government doesn’t need to fund it. That is the dumbest argument I have heard.

 @9H76QSZfrom Maine disagreed…6mos6MO

The baby who is being killed is not her body. You don’t have a right to kill someone based of what’s in your best interest.

 @9H6FVQ5 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

i agree that women’s rights are important and should not be ignored or infringed upon. however i also believe that her baby is a separate human life and has its own rights to life liberty and the put of happiness and no one, not even it’s own mother can take those rights away.

 @9H6FBP7Republican from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Life begins at conception, and all life is sacred. It is not the mother's choice to end the life of an unborn child. It's ultimately not her body, it's the life of the child. There are other options such as adoption that can make the process easier.

 @9H5SH3N from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

The right to live eclipses the right to make choices. To choose not to have a child choose not to have sex. That is the point of choice that is often overlooked.

 @9H5MVGK from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

The act of having sex is a two person decision, rape and abuse cases have always had the right to an abortion, but those who are careless with who they sleep with don't deserve the right to kill the baby. If we support human life we have to consider the baby living in the mother. If you can't handle having a kid, don't sleep around. Hard truths hurt because they are true. The only proven birth control is abstinence. Practice that.

 @9H5M4P7 from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

No one forced her to create the baby. The baby is not her body, but it’s a body she created and is responsible for. Outside of situations like rape and the mothers life being danger, abortion should not be allowed. If you didn’t want to have the baby you shouldn’t have had sex, you understood the risk when you had sex.

 @9H5L4XM from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood capitalizes on the murder of fetuses and women's suffering. They do not care about women.

 @9H5HDVPRepublican from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

In order for conception both the man and women take part. Hopefully they know what the implications of unprotected sex is. The effects an abortion have on a women last longer then the procedure and can affect future fertility. Only in certain cases did the women not choose to have sex since it was her choice then she should live with it.

 @9H7LYZKPeace and Freedom from Georgia agreed…6mos6MO

I feel like women should have the choice it's her choice and her body some men should not force women to have a baby if she does not want to.

 @9H7JPVH  from New York agreed…6mos6MO

i feel like a women should have her own choice. for other means it is her body. like one says it’s her body her choice. a women should have RIGHTS TO ABORTION!

 @9H79WFH from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this argument because a women should decide if she wants to get an abortion or not. No one has the right to tell someone what they can and can't do to their bodies. Just because you think it is wrong does not mean a women you don't even know shouldn't be able to get one done. It is a medical procedure. If the roles were reversed and men were the ones giving birth then no one would even question on banning abortion. There would probably many clinics everywhere.

 @9H5VNK5 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, I agree entirely. A woman’s life and right to choose is extremely important. Denying them that right to choose how they want to live would be treating them as second class citizens. Some women can’t afford or simply don’t want children. Their lives would be permanently altered by something, that in some cases, are completely out of their control.

 @9H5MTLX from South Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, I feel like laws should have nothing to do with peoples body's. That's a violation of the freedom you have as a citizen.

 @9H5HBB2Green from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Anyone who has the ability to give birth should have 100% autonomy over their own body. It is their choice, and their choice only. It is completely unconstitutional to put laws and regulations over what someone can do with their own body.

 @9H5H9ZK from California agreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood facilitates a wide variety of needs such as gender affirming care, abortion, and birth control. It is important to keep these resources available for the public.

 @9H8NTKLWomen’s Equalityagreed…6mos6MO

I agree, I feel like women should have complete control over their bodies because at the end of the day it's their body and no one else's, no one should be able to take that away from them or make women feel like they have lost all control over their own bodies


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