Try the political quiz

11 Replies


In what ways can colleges balance the right to free speech with the need to protect students from harassment and discrimination?

 @9H8TVVPRepublican from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I feel like if the people are doing something bad and like against the US it should be restricted.

 @9H8TN5Y from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I feel like you should be able to say what you want until people take advantage of it. People need to be able to let out their thoughts and opinions but then again people take advantage of that and use racism and other bad things to people and other.


How do you feel about student groups excluding members based on their political beliefs or identity, and where should universities draw the line?

 @9H8TXLVDemocrat from Washington answered…6mos6MO

By encouraging students to adhere to their racial identities, ethnic groups sometimes harden racial divides and promote racial isolation .

 @9H8TN5Y from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I don't know what that means, but I feel like people should be able to say what they want to say, and have their own beliefs without getting criticized or any hate for it.


In your opinion, can actions against Israeli policies be distinguished from antisemitism, and if so, how?

 @9H8RV4Yfrom Maine answered…6mos6MO

Anti-semitism is different from disagreeing with the actions of a government. However, sentiment against Israel sometimes is driven by anti-semitism.


Do you think universities should intervene when protests lead to violent incidents, and what measures would you suggest?

 @DejectedFerretRepublican from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

This is spot on and fantastic news!

Now every other campus in the country should get held accountable as well

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