Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Have you ever changed a habit because you learned it was harmful to the environment, and if so, what prompted that change?

 @9KLSYW6 from Virgin Islands answered…3mos3MO

Recycling, stopping eating meat, and buying less wrapped products (or buying less, in general) were some of the habits that I tried to change in my life, although the big difference comes from big corporations changing their policies and framework to something more environmentally friendly.
However, changing came from seeing that my support for those corporations can help them grow bigger and perpetuate their malicious behavior, therefore, ceasing this behavior was a good way to stop feeding them my small amount of money. People started asking me why, and that would make them think about it, even though most of them were not that convinced, they would question again and again.

 @9KM6DT8 from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

If the product is already manufactured than someone will buy it and use it. It will take more than just not buying something. It’s up to the companies themselves