Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9KCV32Q from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

all generations are affected by the decisions being made

 @9KJJKYH from Alabama agreed…3mos3MO

All generations are affected. Even the youngest generation that may not be heavily affected now WILL be affected when they’re older. Additionally, all generations are impacted but in different ways and scales on any and all topics!

 @9K8LDKV from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Not every generation have the same perspective so we have to make sure every generation is included, once they are of age

 @9KCV6JXPeace and Freedom from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

Can lead to increased performance and profitability. Engaging members of all generations in conversation might lead to improved decision-making. Managers can build strategies to increase effectiveness when interacting with different generations.

 @9KCTTQ9 from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

Different experiences and viewpoints from different generations will create a more unbiased decision making process.