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4 Replies

 @Bip4rtisanOliviaLibertarian from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

US/NATO would have to institute draft to be useful. Ukraine already has access to all the NATO intelligence and satellites. So NATO going in will not bring any new tech.

Actually it will make it easier for Russia because Russia will finally shoot down NATO recon aircraft.

 @Gr33nPartyOilGreen from New York commented…3mos3MO

That would immediately expose all these countries to missile attacks from Russia and possibly fight for Suvalki gap Russia badly needs. Would not happen.

 @GrizzledMothTranshumanistfrom Missouri commented…3mos3MO

Won't happen outside NATO. If any of the Baltic states does that, they are toasted. That'll give a pretext for Russian invasion and/or destruction of their capitols. Say hello to a land path to Kaliningrad.

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