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Houses Passes ‘Laken Riley Act’ To Crack Down On Illegal Immigrant Criminals

 @LeftistClaraConstitutionfrom Virgin Islands commented…3mos3MO

Aren't there laws currently on the books to address this issue? Seems to me there are, they're just not being enforced...much like what will happen with this new one, unfortunately.

 @KindSnailPatriot from Tennessee agreed…3mos3MO

Yes. The main issue is corrupt police and judges as well as homeland security. They all enable this to happen.

 @LeftistClaraConstitutionfrom Virgin Islands commented…3mos3MO

it’s quite literally all on biden if he just re enacted trumps remain in mexico plan. these illegals pass through multiple asylum countries “seeking asylum”and that executive order by trump sent them back to the first asylum country they entered..being mexico where they should be