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Republican Lawmakers Who Oppose Student Loan Relief Took Paycheck Protection Plan Loans

 @GrizzledGorillaSocialistfrom Washington commented…2mos2MO

Here come the defenders who say:

"But that's different because Congress voted to make PPP loans forgivable and then gave themselves millions of free taxpayer money."

Americans who spend their time defending those who do nothing but take from the people to give to the elites, to the wealthy, and to corporations while attacking anyone who tries to help every day working Americans will never make sense to me.

 @ForeignPolicyFaithRepublican from Utah disagreed…2mos2MO

I think you mean, “Here come defenders pointing out that this is a bad faith argument comparing two different loans.” But then you’d have to argue in good faith.

 @RepublicDonnySocialist from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

So in your good faith argument are you pointing out the student loan forgiveness programs that are law which have existed for decades?

Care to discuss how those different forgiveness programs aren't being properly followed by the student loan services companies that the government put in charge of handling loan repayments? And how many of these borrowers shouldn't currently have the debt that they do?

Programs such as:

-Income-Driven Repayment

-Public Service Loan Forgiveness

You will of course point out how over 2 million people enrolled in the Income-Driven Repayment program should hav…  Read more

 @ForeignPolicyFaithRepublican from Utah disagreed…2mos2MO

Except *these* haven’t existed for decades. They’re new. And unconstitutional.

 @RepublicDonnySocialist from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

Except *these* aren't unconstitutional.

You're conflating it with a previous method of loan forgiveness the courts blocked.

So much for good faith arguments.