Try the political quiz

10 Replies


What steps do you think individuals can take to ensure their beliefs aren't swayed by misleading information?

 @9LN69FX from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

Background check everything, and assure yourself that what you read is true.

 @9LN63MD from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

 @9LN5WM9  from California answered…2mos2MO

how are we letting such foreign country affect us so heavily. dont reply to this, this is for a class


EU weighs response to Russian 'interference' in election runup…

EU leaders were Wednesday weighing the bloc's response to suspicions of Russian meddling ahead of June elections in the bloc, with calls for new sanctions to target "malign activities" by


Russian US election interference sowing discord over Ukraine kicks into gear…

The analysts have identified several unique influence-peddling groups affiliated with the Russian government seeking to influence the election outcome, with the objective in large part to reduce US support of Ukraine and sow domestic infighting.


Microsoft finds Russian influence operations targeting US election have begun…

Russia-linked accounts are disseminating divisive content aimed at U.S. audiences, including criticizing American support of Ukraine in its war with Russia, researchers said


Do you believe the government should censor content from foreign sources known to spread false information, and why?


How would you feel if a foreign country tried to influence your opinions through online information?

 @HonorableR3ferendumLibertarianfrom New York commented…2mos2MO

It's just another reminder that we need to champion individual critical thinking and reduce government overreach, rather than let foreign propaganda drive our political discourse.