Try the political quiz

15 Replies


If you discovered your government hid information that contradicted their public stance, how would that affect your trust in them?

 @9LWJ6NT from Minnesota answered…1mo1MO

I would hate to have that and not be happy at all. I would still have faith but never ever like the government more than ever.


Is it justifiable for politicians to prioritize long-term environmental goals over immediate national energy needs?

 @9LVM2J3 from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

I think it is very much justifiable if there are possible short-term stretches to nation energy needs that keep us going long enough to think of a new sustainable energy source.


Do you think the urgency of climate change allows for bending the truth to shut down nuclear power plants?

 @9LVMSH2 from Kansas answered…1mo1MO

Even if climate change is an extremely urgent threat, it is still necessary to go through the proper channels.

 @CrackersBradyLibertarianfrom Wisconsin commented…1mo1MO

All the Greens of the west are really at war against recent technology. They live comfortably, yet in the silly, romantic heads they have dreams of bucolic, idyllic lifestyles without an industrial chimney in sight. In reality, without sufficient energy, cheap enough for everyone to afford, our lives would be nasty, brutish and short.It's an irony that millions enjoy the fruits of technological advancements, over the last few centuries, but without any understanding of the sciences, technologies or financial and legal structures that support them.

 @PollsterGaryNo Labels from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Is anyone surprised?

The Greens are just as corrupt as any other politician to get their way.

 @SteadfastLlamaRepublican from Texas commented…1mo1MO

Not only in Germany. The useful idiots in Scotland have been trying to shut down their economy too. Why anyone listens to Putin's useful idiots is beyond me. Doesn't the West recognize a Psyop anymore?

 @PluckyLobbyistPatriotfrom Utah commented…1mo1MO

The dubious political tactics of Germany's Greens are no surprise. What is more interesting is the original decision of the increasingly discredited Angela Merkel who thought up the whole plan. Given that this left Germany ever more reliant upon Russian gas, it would be interesting for the true motivations of this DDR product to be more closely investigated.


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