Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @MorbidSwanConservatism from Washington commented…1mo1MO

I'm all for keeping our communities safe, and police officers play a crucial role in that. However, this push to reform the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights in Rhode Island seems like it could be stepping too far into territory that undermines the protections officers need to do their jobs effectively. There's a fine line between accountability and putting officers in a position where they're hesitant to act for fear of repercussions. It's important that any reforms ensure that those who truly step out of line are held accountable, but we can't forget that the vast majority of officers are dedicated professionals who deserve our support. I hope the legislators consider the potential impacts on law enforcement's ability to protect and serve while they're trying to navigate these changes.

 @R3f0rmEmmaLibertarianfrom Minnesota commented…1mo1MO

While I understand the intentions behind Rhode Island's push to reform the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, I can't help but feel wary about potential government overreach. It's crucial that in the efforts to increase transparency and accountability, we don't inadvertently strip police officers of their own rights and protections under the guise of reform. True accountability should be balanced and ensure that officers are treated fairly while also protecting the public from misconduct. It's a delicate balance to strike, and I hope that the state's lawmakers keep the principles of individual liberty and justice at the forefront of this debate.

 @MadPonyProgressivefrom Michigan commented…1mo1MO

It's about time Rhode Island addresses the deeply flawed LEOBOR system; this could be a huge step forward in holding police accountable and rebuilding trust in our communities.


Do you believe that police officers should have more, less, or the same level of accountability as ordinary citizens?


If you had the power to change how police officers are disciplined, what is the first thing you would do?


How would you feel if someone you trusted to protect you was allowed to escape consequences for harmful actions?


Negotiations to reform Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights may be nearing finish line…

After running out of time at the end of the 2023 legislative session, legislative leaders from both chambers of the General Assembly vowed 2024 would be the year changes to Rhode Island’s controversial police officer protections would finally happen.