Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9M26C4Q from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

I think it could be argued that Abortion is not even a medical treatment so this question doesn't apply.

 @9M2G3KL  from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

States should not have the power to control access to medical treatments because states can limit medical treatments.

 @9M2D8SQ from Utah disagreed…1mo1MO

The fact that abortion is most successfully done in a medical facility means that it should be co soldered a medical treatment.


 @9M25V3K from Connecticut answered…1mo1MO

in my opinion there should be a nationwide standard why should the gov. control what women do with there selfs

 @9M25TXCPeace and Freedom from Utah answered…1mo1MO

I think that if this were a personal opinion from the senate then it would not be reasonable, but if it were the decision of the entire state then it would be reasonable.


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