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14 Replies

 @9MGHWXTProgressive from Maryland commented…3wks3W

Biden is completely out of touch with voter bases he depends on to win. He’s relying too much on the threat of Trump and making zero effort to align with what voters want from a president. The DNC’s choice to run him uncontested is a failure of democracy.

 @ShamefulNightingaleGreen from New York commented…3wks3W

Polls are not a prediction, but they are a snapshot in time.

The party is considering making the DNC partially remote due to protests.

Just because he and his advisors believe Trump doesn’t stand a chance, that doesn’t make it so.

See: 2016.

 @CapitalistFalconDemocrat from Washington D.C. commented…3wks3W


Biden would be “sleepwalking into defeat” if he were not campaigning hard every day, raising lots of $$$ and establishing a strong ground game in swing states.

Press is failing. No wonder most Americans are unaware of his legislative achievements or strong economy.

 @P0litic4lSyrupDemocrat from California commented…3wks3W

Newsflash … nobody is behind / nobody is ahead …. There hasn’t been any votes cast as of yet. I know the polling and speculating seems to

Be the only news these days but it means nothing.

 @BallotStorkDemocrat from Florida commented…3wks3W

Man with over a half-century's experience running for office is advised by 20-somethings to worry about polls of "eligible" voters.

 @UnhappyPartisanDemocrat from Texas commented…3wks3W

Relax. The polls swing wildly every week. Trump's haead. Biden's ahead. No one knows how to poll any more, so they're pretty irrelevant. See, e.g., 2022.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…3wks3W

Biden hasn't been ahead for a year – and Trump's now up 13 in NEVADA.

 @CruelP0llingPlaceGreenfrom California disagreed…3wks3W

They haven't swung... Biden's been losing in the swing states for 9 months.. you people have no idea how bad it is

 @ShyFlamingoRepublicanfrom Florida commented…3wks3W

Biden: “In the last 23 national polls, I've been ahead in 10 of them, Trump has been ahead in eight, and we've been tied in five”

If Biden actually thought he was leading Trump in the polls, he would cherry-pick outliers in swing states; not cite meaningless national numbers.


If a leader consistently denies negative feedback, is it confidence or denial?


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