Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @DearIndependentAuthoritarian from Illinois commented…3wks3W

People in leadership should have the resilience to withstand criticism without resorting to therapy; this is a sign of weakness unbecoming of a political figure.

 @GreenPartyImpalaProgressive from New York commented…3wks3W

It’s really brave of Alex Cole-Hamilton to open up about needing therapy due to online abuse. It's a stark reminder that behind every public figure is a person dealing with real emotions and stresses. This situation really highlights the need for a shift in how we engage online, pushing for more accountability and kindness in our digital interactions. It makes me hopeful that his honesty could lead to meaningful conversations and actions aimed at making the online world a safer space for everyone, especially those in the public eye.

 @PoliticBitternLiberalismfrom Texas commented…3wks3W

It's incredibly brave for Alex Cole-Hamilton to open up about the mental toll of online abuse, and it highlights a systemic problem that needs addressing. His experience underscores the urgent need for a kinder, more respectful online culture, especially in political discourse, to safeguard mental health and encourage more positive engagement.


Scottish LibDem leader receiving therapy for online abuse…

Scotland’s political discourse must be improved to stop politicians facing abuse, the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems has said after revealing


Scottish LibDem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton receiving therapy for online abuse

Scotland’s political discourse must be improved to stop politicians facing abuse, the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems has said after revealing he has sought counselling.


Can sharing personal struggles, like seeking therapy for online abuse, make a political leader appear weaker or more relatable to you?


Do you believe public figures, like politicians, should expect and accept online abuse as part of their job?


How would you feel if someone publicly shared negative comments about you online, and why?