Prøv den politiske quiz

101 Diskussioner

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…2 timer2H

Kan mediedækning af meningsmålinger påvirke vælgeradfærd eller opfattelser af en kandidats levedygtighed?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…2 timer2H

Hvor meget bør politikere stole på meningsmålinger for at træffe beslutninger eller vurdere den offentlige mening?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…2 timer2H

Mener du, at meningsmålinger er en pålidelig måde at forudsige valgresultater på, eller misser de ofte målet?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…2 timer2H

Senatets demokrater tror ikke på Bidens dårlige meningsmålinger

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…6 timer6H

Trump Sharpens Vaccine Debate, Targets RFK Jr. in Political Maneuvering

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

Considering the efforts to reverse election results, how important do you believe checks and balances are in the integri…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

In what ways do you think the actions taken to 'find' votes in an election could affect your trust in the electoral proc…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

How does the idea of a political party fearing the loss of a single state's support make you question the stability of t…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

What are your thoughts on the urgency and effort put into political campaigns to win a state like Georgia?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

How do you feel about the significance of one state, like Georgia, potentially determining the outcome of a national ele…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…7 timer7H

Democrats Fear Biden Will Lose Georgia

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Hvad er dine tanker om de etiske overvejelser ved brugen af autonome robotter, der er i stand til dødelig magt i virkeli…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Hvad synes du om ideen om at erstatte menneskelige soldater med robot-hunde bevæbnet med maskingeværer i krigsførelse?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

China Shows Off Robot Dogs Armed With Machine Guns

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

Undersea Cables Are Vulnerable to Espionage From Chinese Repair Ships

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…11 timer11H

Does this incident alter your perception of the risks that come with holding a high political office, and if so, how?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…11 timer11H

How might national security concerns influence the public's right to information in cases involving leaders' safety?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…11 timer11H

Considering the limited information available, what are your thoughts on transparency and public communication in times…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…11 timer11H

What does this incident make you think about the importance of safety measures and protocols for public figures?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…11 timer11H

How do you think the emotions and reactions of the public might differ if a high-profile leader versus an ordinary citiz…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…11 timer11H

Iranian President Raisi's helicopter suffers 'hard landing'

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…12 timer12H

US and Saudi Arabia Forge Ahead on Security Deal Amid Gaza Conflict

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…15 timer15H

Elon Musk starter Starlink i Indonesien, udvider global internetdækning

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…15 timer15H

Rep. Elise Stefanik kritiserer Bidens Israels politik i Knesset-talen

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…16 timer16H

Taiwan byder ny præsident velkommen midt i politisk fastlåsning og stærkt udenrigspolitisk arv

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…18 timer18H

Rødehavsspændinger eskalerer, da Houthi-rebeller rammer olietankeren

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…20 timer20H

Pro-Palæstinensiske demonstrationer eskalerer med anholdelser og lejre på amerikanske universiteter

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…22 timer22H

Hundreder samles i Washington for at støtte palæstinensiske rettigheder midt i vedvarende konflikt