Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest

 @97XS7C4 from Kentucky disagreed…2yrs2Y

Whoever this may be, I disagree with your opinion because women do not have a choice in this type of situation to control whether or not they get pregnant. Also, the same as with most men, most women do not wish to be in pain or die.

 @994WL49 from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

What would you say to those who argue that two wrongs do not make a right? The child did not get to choose how it came into the world. No one has a right to choose to end the baby's innocent life anymore than anyone else has a right to choose to end someone else's innocent life. It is still a life regardless of how it came into the world and deserves protection.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

In what regards is the child "innocent" in the situation of an unwanted pregnancy? It's quite literally using your body against your consent; it doesn't get much more invasive and non-consensual than that. No one has the right to use your body beyond your consent, whether it's an adult person or a literal fetus, and as such, you have every right to stop them from continuing to do so, even if that means they would die. Abortion has nothing to do with "life" and everything to do with consent and the right of autonomy over the use of your body...

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y

You are reasoning in a circle, my friend. One heck of circle. Because if no one can "use" your body without consent, then I'm pretty dang sure the baby would object to "using" his/her body for murder, and would prob'ly wave a sign saying "HANDS OFF MY BODY" like you non thinkers do

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

This is actually really simple: the baby is the one violating the mother's body, not the other way around. If you are the perpetrator in the case of violating someone else's consent, then you do not get any say in how that person, the victim, reacts to defend themselves from you. This is the case in every interaction. If someone is assaulting you, then you have every right to take defensive action against them, including killing them, if need be; they give up their protections from you upon violating you. If someone breaks into your home, if someone is raping you, if someone is trying to force a medical procedure onto you, etc...youRead more

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

The mother, in 98% of cases, consented to act that she KNEW could cause a child to be created, so it is HER fault that the baby is there. Even in the 2% of cases that are rape, it still is not the baby's fault. The baby had no say in any of this, and killing him is very evil. However, I have come to expect evil from the democrat party, especially against children.