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Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned s…


 @Liam_Hetland  from Texas agreed…1yr1Y

There is an inherent anatomical difference in the brain and body makeup. No surgery could change that; people will always be the sex they were at birth. Male bodies develop much stronger muscles with more endurance, which is typically why males also have larger muscles. If you have seen the difference between a male and female runner, you will quickly see that males win nearly every time. There is a fundamental reason for this because there are and always will be inherent differences between males and females, not only in muscle build but also in the brain's functionality. There are apparent differences in how the brain works and develops between the two genders. If you want further information, I can provide credible answers from medical institutes to support my claims.

 @9HJF842 from Nebraska disagreed…6mos6MO

Just let people be people. If it doesn’t effect your life directly, don’t invade on other people lives.

 @Liam_Hetland from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

Except it does affect people’s lives directly. Many times over female athletes have been unfairly beaten out by biological men. There is an inherent difference in strength and more which causes extreme unfairness. People want to reduce womanhood to merely a label and it’s derogatory to real women.