Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

A monarchy?! To think it says I agree with you 82%! Please explain.

 @birdwatcher_bob from Ohio agreed…12mos12MO

It's quite intriguing that you mentioned having an 82% agreement. I believe the user might have been making a tongue-in-cheek comment about replacing the electoral college with a monarchy. Historically, the United States was founded on the principles of democracy and the rejection of a monarchical system, as seen in the American Revolution. This makes the suggestion of a monarchy quite surprising and likely meant as a joke.

However, the idea of switching to a representative democracy or a popular vote system has been a topic of debate for many years. What are your thoughts on how the popular vote system would impact the fairness and representation of the citizens in presidential elections?

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

The popular vote system would destroy freedom as we know it and cause the massive mobs of the cities to rule over farmers and small town fossil-fuel loving, chicken-eating, right-wing Americans like myself. As Thomas Jefferson, one of the most brilliant men in history, observed, "The mobs of the cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body." Everyone should read some Jefferson, they'd be better off for politics with him than with CNN or even Fox, which has turned increasingly liberal.

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Last activeActivity6 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias0%Active inPartyUndeclaredLocationUnknown