Try the political quiz

14 Replies

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

Well hate to burst your Statist bubble, but where'd you get the idea that the GOVERNMENT of all things has ANY business regulating private business?!

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

So yes or no, should businesses be allowed to discriminate?

If no, then what's the issue?

If yes, then you're simply a bad person.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

That's the fallacy of bifurcation. By asking if I'm a good person or I support government coercion over private business, you eliminate the third possibility, which happens to be a true one -- I dislike discrimination but don't think government is within its rights to regulate it. It's like asking if a traffic light is red or green, not considering it may be yellow.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

But that wasn't the question. I asked if you think businesses should be allowed to discriminate. It's a simple yes or no question; there is no third option.

Again, if you think businesses should NOT be allowed to discriminate, then what's the issue?

However, if you think businesses should be allowed to discriminate, then you are a bad person, because only a bad person would believe we should allow discrimination anywhere in society. A good person would believe that discrimination shouldn't be allowed in society. It is quite literally as simple as that...

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