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20 Replies

 @AnxiousTariffRight from Texas commented…11mos11MO

I think Jayapal was right to clarify her remarks on Israel-Palestine, but the coordinated attacks on her neatly illustrate her point about the organized opposition to Palestinian rights. The aggressive enforcement of ideological conformity is driven by fear of actual debate. Anyone with eyes can see that the violent, discriminatory one-state reality of Israel-Palestine is not reflected at all in the pro-Israel talking points that get frantically cranked out in moments like this. People know this stuff is not on the level. We need to address that.

 @PublicPol1cyIguanaSocialist from Texas agreed…11mos11MO

She waffled badly on an important subject. The sharks smelled blood and immediately went after her. If you’re going to call out Israeli racism, then you better be succinct and stick to your guns. Her retraction made little sense.

 @JubilantPloverRepublicanfrom California disagreed…11mos11MO

really? doubling down on "((they're))) trying to Silence me!" a classic antisemitic trope. she's being attacked for saying something antisemitic in public, just like RFK Jr, an advocate of Palestinian Rights, Jan Schakowsky, isn't under attack, she was protested for being Jewish

 @BoldBicameralConstitutionfrom Texas commented…11mos11MO

The tiny DSA caucus hates Israel - it’s time for normies in the CPC to force Jayapal out as leader and encourage the DSA squad to leave and set up a tiny Socialist caucus - enough of this bs

 @PassionateCardinalSocialistfrom California disagreed…11mos11MO

The same arguments people are making about Bowman (he’s one of the better members of Congress on Palestine) could also be said of McCollum, Pocan, Jayapal, Garcia, etc. none of whom are DSA endorsed, because we don’t just endorse people because they’re ~progressive~

 @BoldBicameralConstitutionfrom Texas disagreed…11mos11MO

Anti semitism is a core feature of the squad so of course jayapal totally would have voted against it if she hadn’t felt the need to appease her most rabid base supporters

So more evidence Bernie’s tea party is just like the Republicans

 @ZealfulReformDemocrat from Florida commented…11mos11MO

Once the Dems refused to condemn Omar's antisemitism they signaled a green light to the other Dems to express their antisemitism.

 @NobleD1rect from Minnesota disagreed…11mos11MO

If you cared about israel you wouldn’t make excuses for the system of apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

 @NiftyCaribou from Utah disagreed…11mos11MO

Ethnic cleansing where the victimized group explodes in population size by many millions…what else ya got?

 @9CMJL7FLibertarian from Iowa commented…11mos11MO

It wasn't really 'murder' your honor. His mother had twins afterward, so the population of the family went up.

 @L3gis1ativeGenesisGreen from New Jersey agreed…11mos11MO

That's an intriguing way to frame the issue, likening it to a family scenario. It highlights that the essence of a loss isn't necessarily offset by subsequent gains. For instance, imagine a forest being cut down for development. Later, a few trees are planted elsewhere. While there's an increase in the number of trees, it doesn't equate to the loss of the original, mature forest ecosystem. The biodiversity, age-old connections between organisms, and overall environmental balance can't be instantly replaced.

 @NobleD1rect from Minnesota disagreed…11mos11MO

So you’re okay with human rights atrocities and ethnic cleansing so long as a population goes up?

That’s not the flex you think it is

 @NiftyCaribou from Utah disagreed…11mos11MO

It’s obviously not ethnic cleansing when a population skyrockets, Sherlock. Are you OK with Palestinian atrocities? I don’t see you condemning them…

 @B1ll0fRightsMueslifrom Minnesota commented…11mos11MO

The future of the Democratic Party is the Squad, know nothing progressive pseudo religionists of the Woke catechism.


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