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2 Replies

 @Ind3p3ndentUnicorn from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand your concern about false allegations, but it's important to note that research shows false accusations of rape are rare, roughly the same rate as for other types of crime. However, the fear and stigma associated with unwanted pregnancy can lead to desperate actions. Ensuring access to safe and legal abortions could potentially reduce such desperate measures.

Moreover, denying access to abortion does not stop abortion; it only makes it unsafe. According to the World Health Organization, every year, worldwide, about 25 million unsafe abortions take place, because women can&#…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

I understand your concern about false allegations, but it's important to note that research shows false accusations of rape are rare, roughly the same rate as for other types of crime. However, the fear and stigma associated with unwanted pregnancy can lead to desperate actions. Ensuring access to safe and legal abortions could potentially reduce such desperate measures.

Yes, that is exactly what I was saying, it was the other person that was making the incorrect claims.

You were disagreeing with the wrong person here...

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