Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FZKSH6  from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The Constitution protects the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to us and our posterity.

To pose a question:
If it is considered a double-homicide to kill a pregnant woman, why then, do some states disregard this human life in the case of an abortion?

 @9FZLZK6 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

there is a diferance between volentary and involentary erasure of life.
if an embryo can not survive outside of the womb (months 1-3) then it is not a full life and should be up to the parents determination to continue with its existance or not

 @9FZKSH6  from Florida commented…8mos8MO

"there is a diferance between volentary and involentary erasure of life." -Your quote. I agree.

In this quote, you are already accepting that the unborn is alive: you end the sentence with referring to the baby as "life."

However, you make a contradiction in your argument. After originally referring to the "embryo" as a life in the first sentence, you continue in your second sentence to say that "if an embryo can not survive outside of the womb (months 1-3) then it is not a full life...".

This is false, because to assume that something is not fully alive,…  Read more