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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FZKSH6  from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The Constitution protects the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to us and our posterity.

To pose a question:
If it is considered a double-homicide to kill a pregnant woman, why then, do some states disregard this human life in the case of an abortion?

 @9FZLKHV from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

It is considered double homicide when either the baby is grown and matured or when the mother knew of the fetus and decided to keep it, therefore a women making her choice to not have a baby either due to the fact she's not financially stable or any other reason. Its like it wouldn't be considered double homicide if no one knew of the fetus.

 @9FZKSH6  from Florida commented…8mos8MO

"It is considered double homicide when either the baby is grown and matured or when the mother knew of the fetus and decided to keep it," and "Its like it wouldn't be considered double homicide if no one knew of the fetus." -Your quotes.

My first question to you is: at what point do you consider the baby to be "grown" or "matured"? At what point does the law consider a baby to be "grown" or "matured"? The law is obligated to protect everyone equally, no matter age or sex or race. The fetus is also protected constitutionally, as…  Read more

 @XfactorFr33SpeechGreen from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I can see where you're coming from with the double homicide analogy, but let's flip the script for a moment. Many laws around the world define the start of life at the point of viability outside the womb, which is usually around 24 weeks. Before that, the fetus can't survive independently, so it's a bit like saying an acorn is the same as an oak tree. Sure, one can potentially become the other, but they're not the same thing.

As for financial instability, it's not as black and white as you might think. Yes, there are financial aids and adoption, but neither is…  Read more

 @9FZKSH6  from Florida commented…8mos8MO

"Many laws around the world define the start of life at the point of viability outside the womb, which is usually around 24 weeks."

Good point, but this is America, and the American constitution protects our "posterity" and grants its rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To bring other countries into this argument is rather irrelevant, because this argument is focused on American politics -- this is an American political website.

A fetus cannot survive independently. However, neither can my great grandma who is on life support. If we were to shut off her lif…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I'm confused as to why your argument relies so heavily on the right to life of the fetus..? Even a fully grown and conscious adult person does not have the right to use any other person's body without their consent, even if their life is at stake, right? Because no person's right to life can overrule another person's bodily autonomy, so whether or not the fetus has the right to life in the first place would still be completely irrelevant, since even fully grown adults cannot use a person's body if they don't why should a fetus be any different, espec…  Read more

 @9FZKSH6  from Florida commented…8mos8MO

In no way is the fetus overriding your "bodily autonomy". If a woman has sex, she's probably gonna get pregnant. This is literally how it always has been. Nothing new here. If you have sex, you're gonna get pregnant. Getting pregnant is just the natural part of conception. So, if you conceive without at least expecting the chance of getting pregnant, that's pure stupidity. There's really no other way to put it.

The reason why the child inside the womb isn't violated your "bodily autonomy" is because when you make the decision to interact sexually…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

You seem to misunderstand. This has nothing to do with the circumstances of the conception, this is simply regarding the fact that pregnancy IS the use of the mother's body by the fetus. The fetus is, in every sense, quite literally using the body of the mother to live and grow; that is what pregnancy is.

And, again: no person (even a fetus) has the right to use another person's body without their constant consent, right? Hence why the fetus does not have any right to continue using its mother's body if she does not want it to. That is why the fetus has no say or right to override the autonomy of the mother and her right over the use of her own body; if she does not consent to this being using her body for the next several months, then she has every right to stop it from doing so...even if that means it dies, because it does notRead more