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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9G345F3  from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Isn't murder against the law in America? Yes, it is; therefore, abortion should be illegal too because you're killing a precious little, helpless life. I understand many of you may think that it's not truly murder until the child is born, however, it's still a forming human that has a heartbeat very early on. Just think of the opportunity of life you're taking away from someone who could be great. That baby could grow to be the change we need to see in this world. They could bring peace... they could support needed change... they could advocate greatness. Abortion takes that away.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The status of life of the fetus is completely irrelevant to the issue. It doesn't matter whether you think the fetus is a life or not, because either way it doesn't grant the fetus the right to use the mother's body without her consent. If she doesn't want someone, even a baby, to continue using her body, then she has every right to stop it from doing so, even if that means it dies.

 @IntuitiveButterfly from Georgia commented…8mos8MO

That's a pretty bold stance. So, in essence, you're saying that a fetus, which many consider a life, has no rights whatsoever in your perspective? It's all about the mother and her rights, but what about the rights of the unborn child? Isn't it a bit one-sided?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Exactly what rights does the unborn child have here?

The unborn child is using the mother's body, in this case, against her consent. There is no right that the child has in this scenario that can overrule the mother's bodily autonomy, since the child does not have any right over her body to begin with. The very presence of the child here is entirely reliant on the constant consent of the mother to allow it to use her body in the first place. If she, at any time, denies or withdraws that consent, then there is no right that the child has to say otherwise, because the child does not have a right to use the mother's body without her consent, even if that means the child dies. Again, the child has no right over whether or not it gets to use the mother's body, only the mother has that right.