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7 Replies

 @9GB5SGP  from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

If a child is expressing that they are not comfortable in their own body, you should be paying attention to that. Not how you may feel about what they are saying. Put your child's needs before your beliefs. They may be young or old, but they know how they feel. It is THEIR bodies. You shouldn't be using "restarted" as a reference to this topic, or anything really. That's just as wrong as how you feel about this topic.

 @9G8GB96 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Literally nobody is suggesting surgery on children. Straw man arguments do nothing productive when it comes to discussing gender affirmation for children.

 @9G8K4KD from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The “procedures” in question are very reversible. There are very very few people advocating for surgery for minors under 16 years of age. Trans affirming healthcare involves hormone blockers, which simply delay the process of puberty, which is an irreversible process.

  @PBJoe from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

This issue is a personal medical issue that should be between a patient and their doctors/therapists.

 @9G8NG4G from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Transgenderism is a mindset you are born with, and when children feel so uncomfortable in the bodies they are born with, they should have the right to make adjustments to better their mental health.

 @9G84979Libertarian from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

There has been scientific evidence to prove that those who are transgender have higher similarities with the brain of the gender they identify with. The youngest person to CHOSE to have SURGERY was 16. It is often that medical professionals will force intersex children to fit societal standards but no on is upset about that. Gender affirming care has been proven to reduce suicide by 70%.

  @bmelan1 from Louisiana disagreed…7mos7MO

How mature of you to use mental disability to describe someone.

Seriously, no one is allowing children to just get random surgeries on a whim. People have to go through years of psychological therapy before medical professionals even think about allowing them on blockers, much less hormone replacement or surgical procedures. If a child is under 18, they have to have parental/guardian permission to even go through with these medical steps. If parental/guardian permission is given before 18, surgeries and hormone replacement are not even allowed until later in this person's transition unles…  Read more


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