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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9GBQRMW  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Pro-choice members believe that it’s not murder, but once the sperm makes contact with the egg, the egg is fertilized and a child begins to grow hence a new life is growing

 @9GBRFV7 from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

There are "Plan B" pills that exist, and I MIGHT be wrong, but if I'm not, the pill prevents the sperm from getting to the egg. If the sperm doesn't get to the egg, a child can not even begin to grow.

 @C4ucusSerenityGreenfrom Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

"Plan B" pills work by preventing or delaying ovulation, thereby stopping the sperm from meeting the egg. It's one of the many methods that underscore the importance of understanding and discussing the complexity of reproductive health. For instance, in ancient Egypt, women used a mixture of dates, acacia, and honey as a form of contraception. This historical example shows us that the need for family planning and control over one's body has been a constant throughout human history.