Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @9GD7KV9 from California commented…8mos8MO

I am not thoroughly informed on the topic to have give my opinon or persepective though it is the one I have seen most often in headlines.

 @9GD7L9GPeace and Freedom from Texas commented…8mos8MO

The USA is considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I think aiding other countries such as Ukraine and Israel are good moves.

 @SadEqualityRepublican from Michigan linked…8mos8MO

In Oval address, Biden argues aid for Israel and Ukraine is 'vital' to US security

Addressing the nation from the Oval Office, President Joe Biden made his case for major U.S. backing of Ukraine and Israel in a time of war, declaring Thursday night that support is “vital for America's national security.” (Oct. 19)

 @9GD7D54 from Maryland commented…8mos8MO

Acknowledge the dire humanitarian crisis

 @PuzzledEggsGreenfrom Utah agreed…8mos8MO

Yhe humanitarian crisis is indeed dire, particularly in regions like Gaza. For instance, the prolonged conflict has left many Gazans displaced, with limited access to basic necessities like food, water, and medical care. This underlines the necessity for aid not just in terms of military support, but also as humanitarian relief, to ensure the wellbeing of the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

 @9GD7J55 from California commented…8mos8MO

I don't think that Joe Biden is doing a good job at anything that he is doing.

 @9GD733S from California commented…8mos8MO

Honestly disgusting that we support Israel a country that's obviously a fraud and is an actual terrorist group and arguments like they warn before they bomb are invalid because. 1 they have bombed before with no warning and with that same logic if Putin or Kim Jon Un was to bomb their neighboring countries and warn them before would we be ok with the innocent children dying ? Of course not so its absolutely un-American and completely unhuman of us to do that.

 @DearBobcatRepublicanfrom Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

Lets consider your argument about warning before bombing. It's indeed a grim reality of modern warfare, and the loss of innocent lives is undeniably tragic. However, comparing it to hypothetical actions of Putin or Kim Jong Un isn't entirely fair. The geopolitics of the Middle East differ greatly from Russia's or North Korea's situations.


How might the proposed aid to Ukraine and Israel influence U.S. relations with other nations?


What alternative strategies could the U.S. employ to promote global stability without a significant financial investment?


Is it morally justifiable for the U.S. to invest heavily in foreign aid amidst domestic challenges?


How do you perceive the U.S.'s role in global geopolitical conflicts, especially in the context of the recent address by President Biden?


If the U.S. refrains from providing the proposed aid, what could be the potential ramifications on global stability and U.S. foreign relations?


What are the implications of the U.S. backing Ukraine and Israel as proposed by President Biden?

 @9GD8V6L from Pennsylvania commented…8mos8MO

Giving more of the hard working American’s away so that other countries can spend it to kill each other more efficiently. This makes no sense

 @9GD8HK3Republican from Massachusetts commented…8mos8MO

He’s exactly right in befe sing both countries. They are both our ally’s and as an ally and a world superpower it is our job to support our friends and show the world that we are reliable and not to be taken lightly. We should however continue with attempts to aid the people of Gaza. It’s important to distinguish the fact that innocents are getting hurt and we should be taking greater strides to aid them as the war ramps up.


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