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8 Replies

 @9GS9ZGB from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Some women aren't ready for kids or even want kids, which is okay. Some women could even get raped which leads to pregnancy and they don't want to keep the child.

 @9GS9W5G from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Not everyone is aware that they are pregnant, sometimes a partner will lie and say that they pulled out when they did not. Pregnancy is not always a choice, especially in the case of teenagers who can not afford emergency contraceptives and also can not afford to take care of a child. To call a fetus a child is also incorrect a fetus is a clump of cells that does not feel pain you are not killing anything you are removing something. Teenagers are also more at risk of dying during pregnancy and it can permanently damage their body.

 @9GS93LVRepublican from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment. Life is very important and precious. The foolishness of adultery should not give punishment to the child of those parents.

 @9GS8W74Independent from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Not everyone is guaranteed these circumstances. There is a lot more middle ground not being considered. How rape isn't valid is just a sign of mental incompetence. Not everyone is open about being raped at the abortion, these stats don't consider the real world. Saying you've been raped often times ruins a woman's life you effete buffoon. No one gets killed, it's a **** ing single cell. Are you a mass murdered and genocide monster because you have a period rather than getting pregnant? Are you literally Hitler because you've masturbated. Every single one of these arguments are simple minded and so easy to dismantle as soon as you consider how social settings work.

 @9GS8R2K from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Its peoples body and peoples choice the government cant control you and your body only god dose because he made us

 @9GS8JVW from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Pregnancy is not always a choice I believe that if you are at a certain age than abortion is questionable. If you get pregnant and you are not able to care for the child people say you should keep it it is your fault people say put it up for adoption. How many pro-live people have actually adopted a child not a lot. Do you know the chances of child abuse or rape in foster care. Foster care is one of the worst things in our economy the kids are not protected what so ever. If you are. not able to care for a child maybe you are in a abusive relationship and if you have a kid that would be brough…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

No one has the right to use your body without your consent, and that includes a fetus using your body for pregnancy. As such, it is perfectly within your right to do whatever necessary to stop them from continuing to use your body against your consent, even if it means they die. And if you are arguing that consent to sex inherently means consent to pregnancy, then you would have to then argue that women are not allowed to withdraw consent, which I'm sure you recognize as not being a good argument...

 @9GS86ZDWomen’s Equalityfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Even if it’s 5% those women still suffered. People don’t know what happens behind closed doors. There are so many situations where a woman is helpless. If a pregnancy isn’t planned then it’s not their fault it happened unless they were being reckless. But those who are reckless are just as small as those 5% of women who are raped. A women is in charge of her own body and if it’s her DNA that makes that baby inside of her it’s her choice. Nobody should ever have the right to take that away from a women. It’s OUR bodies. Not yours not anyone’s but our own.


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