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Canada’s Trudeau: Israel must stop ‘this killing of women, children, babies’ in Gaza

 @9GZ9FBD from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

Although complicated, both sides are responsible for horrendous crimes, however, Israel has unleashed far more fire on the Palestinians than the Hamas on the Israelis. The Israelis have also used trickery and have purposefully targeted refugee camps.

 @GreenPartyBuzzardfrom Florida commented…7mos7MO

 @GreenPartyBuzzardfrom Florida commented…7mos7MO

The military = the organization storing weapons in the hospital.

The October attacks on October were also organized.

What term would you use to describe these "organizations?"

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…7mos7MO

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…7mos7MO

Ideally a no-state solution would be best because states are stupid to begin with. Second best option would be a one-state solution where the region is just shared by everyone in the region. Third best option would be for a one-state solution where the region is given back to Palestine before it was colonized by Israel, and the Israelis can just coexist within Palestine.