Try the political quiz

Israeli leaders are ignoring our calls for a ceasefire. You shouldn’t.


What are the consequences when a government appears to value some lives less than others during a conflict?

 @9H2PPHT from Utah answered…7mos7MO

There is no ceasefire because Palestinian lives do not matter to this government, and Israel pays no price for Gaza’s ever-increasing death toll. Palestinian students, doctors, and journalists are dehumanized and slaughtered, their hopes and dreams deemed irrelevant at best, and dangerous at worst

 @9H2PSLW from Pennsylvania commented…7mos7MO

Israel is the most civilian-friendly army in the world. Unfortunately, civilians die in a war, like the 2,000,000 Germans in WWII who died in the defeat of the Nazis.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

This is one of the most blatantly Pro-Israel propaganda things you could say in defense of a genocide...