Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9H2V72W from Texas answered…7mos7MO

The fairness of individuals paying for services like education and healthcare in a Minarchist system depends on one's perspective, as proponents argue for increased personal responsibility and choice, while critics may express concerns about potential disparities in access based on financial means.

 @9H2V7H3 from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

 @9H2WB6RRepublican from Washington answered…7mos7MO

Yes. The government is responsible for only the leadership of the nation. Citizens are expected to pay for their own goods and services. Those who are unable to do so are deemed to be impoverished, and make up only the far end of the skew line.

 @9H2W3MTRepublican from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

yes because you should have to pay your own things the government shouldn't have to