Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9H9CHC2 from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

Consumerism in regards to material goods that aren't necessary to sustain human life is not truly satisfying for humans in general, and it creates temporary satisfaction which is replaced with more wanting.

 @9H9BTLV from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Well consumerism and buying things to satisfy human needs are two different things. Of course buying things can satisfy human needs, and bring happiness. The problem is the way our culture is based around Consumerism, its not that the things you buy will make you happy or not make you happy it's that companies sell things to you as if that is the only thing that could make you happy. And of course they specifically engineer it to create "an endless cycle of wanting." The more you want, the more you buy. The more you buy the more money they make.