Try the political quiz

Whom would you most like to run for President in 2024?

Donald Trump

 @9H4TZG6  from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

He will lower everything including gas prices and build the boarder back up and get all the illegals back over the boarder get deal with all the drugs in the U.S

 @9H5H3JQ from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this. Trump had the economy and immigration under control. Our economy was booming and it all went downhill as soon he left office.

 @9JY4DGV from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

"Our economy was booming"?? Really!?

Trump is a misogynist, narcissist and frankly completely full of sh!t. He spews the same lies over and over until all you fools believe him.