Try the political quiz

Democrats Are Panicking About the Wrong Thing


What do you feel is the biggest economic issue that should drive the Democrats' sense of urgency?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…6mos6MO


People must realise that inflation cannot go on forever and that it is the most vicious and worst type of taxation out there. Inflation caused the Great Depression and it will cause. a worst depression if we don't abolish the fed NOW.

 @SadRights from Washington D.C. commented…6mos6MO

Yessss. Our mortgage payment has risen over $100 in the past few years due to property taxes. And that’s AFTER we switched to private flood insurance to save. We lowered our payment only for the govt to raise i

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

And you hear sad stories like this all over the place. Everyone's struggling.