Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @GiddyDem0cr4tfrom Maine commented…6mos6MO

That institutional Jewish leadership (and many wealthy Jewish individuals) have supported many society-damaging leftist groups (Groups now threatening the Jewish community), should not be a controversial observation.

Glad to see many are re-evaluating their stance.

 @C0nservat1veHareDemocrat from Ohio commented…6mos6MO

The emerging consensus I’m seeing on the right is various Fuentes type scum are welcome to do their thing with liberal US Jews specifically but not Israel/Jewish People as a concept.

A despicable standard of course, esp. given the “kinds” of Jews slaughtered on 10/7

 @FilibusterPenguinfrom Colorado commented…6mos6MO

When you're willing to cozy up to anti-Semite simply because he flips the bird at your culture war enemies (and you like that), it's time to put down Twitter, take a deep breath and ask yourself where you went so wrong.

 @Ind3p3ndentPie from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

you know how when you see someone who *clearly* has no idea wtf they're talking about but he's acting so confidently condescending you can tell he thinks he knows what's what. Yeah, that's you. I mean you can just throw words up on the wall.

 @TreasuryTermiteDemocrat from California commented…6mos6MO

I firmly believe that most Jews are fine, but there are a handful of leaders, who happen to be Jewish, and use their Jewish heritage as a shield from criticism.


Do you think public figures like Elon Musk should influence community strategies and what would be your personal criteria to consider their advice?


How do you feel about the idea that certain groups should align with all 'progressive' causes by default?

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