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20 Replies

 @9HL32B6 from South Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

You should be able to chose about abortion and what you can do to your body. You dont want to be stuck with a kid who leaves you with trauma from how you ended up having them. Pro-choice gives you the option to decide what you can do without having to be stuck with one decision. It opens up the oppertunites.

 @YumiLibertarian  from Indiana agreed…6mos6MO

1% of abortions are due to rape and incest, the rest aren’t. I am pro-choice, but I disagree when you say they could just get an abortion WHENEVER THEY WANT. Fetuses after 23-24 weeks can feel pain, that’s when you’re actually hurting a baby.

 @9HLFBPV from New Mexico agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this because my stance on abortion is that it is basic healthcare for women and it should be legal and available to all women.

 @9HL3Y24 from Iowa agreed…6mos6MO

i agree, why do MEN of all people get to decide what every woman in america gets to do with their own bodies. what about children who get raped, youre telling me theyre old enough to be a parent but not old enough to adopt a child because theyre a kid?? how does that make sense

 @9HL2FRB  from Delaware agreed…6mos6MO

I do agree, why should people that don't know you, who are probably old white men, decide what you can and can't do with your own body.

 @9HL3CXT  from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

You should have every right to say what you want to do with your body. Nobody should be able to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body and your life. There are women who cannot afford a baby, so they decide not to keep it so that that baby doesn't end up having a terrible life. There are young women who get raped and do not want to keep the child because of the way of conception. Some women just physically aren't capable of raising or having a child, so therefore I stand with keeping abortion legal. The one thing I will have to say is that there should be reasoning docum…  Read more

 @9HL2NZG from Kansas agreed…6mos6MO

I completely agree. it makes no rational sense that a bunch of strangers with authority decide what a woman and her family wants. It takes away basic human rights and subjects women to forcibly do something that could be harmful to them

 @9HMDB2B from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this comment about abortion because they make a really good point. It is not anyone else's choice but the person that is carrying the unborn fetus.


victims of rape and incest who unwillingly became pregnant should be allowed to have full autonomy to their own bodies, and they will most likely not have the resources to even take care of a baby if they were raped suddenly.

 @9HL55FN from Kansas agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this statement and its better to get an abortion so theres not a kid that has parents that were forced to take care of it.

 @9HLCCTN from New York agreed…6mos6MO

I agree because men should never have the right to make laws about women when they came out of a women. I know so many people whos parents did not want them and trust me it is so much easier for a child to be loved by a parent than go through anything a child goes through when their parents did not want them.

 @9HL3HG7 from North Dakota agreed…6mos6MO

I agree, if someone doesn't want a kid they're just going to be a bad parent or look at that child with regret and hate. Plus orphanages have many kids but barely anyone wants to take care of one in their home.

 @9HL2X9JWomen’s Equality from Kansas agreed…6mos6MO

I completely agree. Abortion should be a personal choice, sometimes it's medically needed, sometimes It's a rape, incest, whatever. Even if the person just didn't want the kid they aren't going to love and raise the child properly, the child will likely experience some form of abuse or neglect because their parent isn't fit to raise a kid.

 @9HL23VT from Kansas agreed…6mos6MO

While I agree these are 2 separate things, I 100% agree with the fact that no one else but me and me only can decide on what I do wIth my body.

 @9HKZY4C from Connecticut agreed…6mos6MO

Exactly people should have the right to choose what happens with their body and not be forced to do something that someone else is not going through tell you what you are going to do with your own body.

 @9HKZT7Z from New Hampshire agreed…6mos6MO

It is completely un-fair to those people who have suffered trauma, like rape to then have to keep the kid that was concived because of the raping, the mother will most likely resent the child anyways because it will remind her of what happened anytime she looks at it.

 @9HKZZKC from Connecticut agreed…6mos6MO

Many people think that abortion is wrong, but there are many victims of rape and incest who unwillingly became pregnant should be allowed to have full decision to their own bodies, and they will most likely not have the resources to even take care of a baby if they were raped suddenly. No one has the right to speak for someone else when they don't even know why they are taking the decision. When someone chooses to make Abortion is something that everyone else should respect.

 @9HL57CFWomen’s Equality from Arizona agreed…6mos6MO

Woman should have the choice on what to keep the child or not. No matter the situation. The United States and men today aren’t so good and for a child to live in the United States isn’t a great idea.

 @9HL2FW5 from Connecticut agreed…6mos6MO

I fully agree. I truly think that other especially males should not be choosing what women do with their body. Not only does that take away women's rights to their own body but it also puts women's health in danger because many abortions are mad because of health or money issues that can lead to terrible health for women physically and mentally.

 @9HL7664 from California agreed…6mos6MO

Abortion should always be an option no matter what, so many things happen where a person gets pregnant and is not ready or is just raped or forced.


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