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Israeli forces just kill an unarmed teenage boy in hospital

 @DirectCamilaLibertarian from California commented…6mos6MO

Most attention is being paid, rightfully so, to the atrocities in Gaza -- just given the historic scale of them -- but the increase in savagery and barbarism in the West Bank by fanatical Israeli settlers and the IDF that backs them is as reprehensible and consequential.

 @RavenGeorgeRepublican from Kentucky commented…6mos6MO

Did you even read the thread you’re citing? “Hospitals are supposed to be safe spaces…” after it’s been proven on video they’re being used to hold hostages and wage war with international medical groups’ knowledge and complicity. Not to mention Hamas bombing them too…this level of facile propaganda, so mindlessly cringey. Did you think we forgot about Shifa and the other hospitals this fast?

 @DirectCamilaLibertarian from California commented…6mos6MO

"But they're using hospitals!"

I don't care.

Bombing hospitals is wrong. Bombing sick people is wrong. Bombing babies is wrong. Bombing doctors is wrong.

If your enemy is holed up under a hospital, find a different way to defeat them.

Simple as.

 @RavenGeorgeRepublican from Kentucky commented…6mos6MO

Honestly, I don't care what happens to Gazans. I can't. Getting rid of Hamas is too important. We have a chance to have real peace in the ME and stop a lot of violence. We need to take it.

 @ZestfulRedistrictingDemocrat from Ohio agreed…6mos6MO

The idea that Gaza is qualitatively worse than the horrors in Yemen or many other places is the height of prejudicial framing. It is based on nothing more than a desire to single Israel out. There are wars all over the world. Israel is held to impossible standards.