Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @9HY8ZP7 from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

During a war, I could see how Sociological Francoism could be appealing to those who are hoping that their country can quickly go back to how it was before the war, but that usually is never possible. Conserving some of those old values might be what put that country in the current war it is fighting, so maybe they need to start over in some ways.

 @9HY8MBQ from Delaware answered…5mos5MO

It could be effective if crime gets to an all time high and the people do not follow social codes anymore.

 @9HY8MKB from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

Natural disasters and times of war or terrorist attacks

 @9HYTDM8 from Pennsylvania agreed…5mos5MO

The role of a properly-constituted government is to protect the rights of its citizens. In certain circumstances, this may involve increased attention to detail in policing, limitations on the privileges afforded to citizens, and even the temporary suspension of common activities such as trade. However, a government loses its legitimacy (and its right to enforce law, by proxy) when it begins to transgress against the rights of its citizens.

 @9HYKMGL from Tennessee agreed…5mos5MO

Strict government control could increase efficiency, and potentially be more coordinated then many separate bodies trying to provide aid.

 @9HY8W4B from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

 @9HY8SL2 from Idaho answered…5mos5MO

I can see how it would work but I don't think it works today as many people wouldn't agree with it.

 @9HY93LCWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

For a time like now, the country is heavily divided, possibly on the verge of a Civil War. The government would need to step in to solve or mend the issues we are seeing.


We are not on the "verge of a Civil War". The country is divided but that is not an issue that the government needs more involvment.

 @9KSB648 from Connecticut commented…3mos3MO

when the president said that states can determine whether or not abortions and birth control should be legal or not. pro life is stuck to the ideology of christianity, when the law should not fuse with religion. as unfortunate as an abortion and birth control sounds, they both can save lives. i personally use birth control to deal with my pcos, and not for "selfish desires". if I don't take my medicine , I can die overtime.