Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Let’s see here… a semi-democratic workplace with heavy amounts of government oversight with a socialist economy. The government doesn’t nationalize many businesses unless it’s just a considerably bad idea not to. E.g. healthcare, nuclear energy, education funding, etc.

 @9HW25PJ  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

It would be the freedom to make choices, but if we make the wrong choices (morally, lawfully, etc.), we are held accountable.

 @9HVZ9R4 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I think there should be a limit to how long a person should have to work in order to earn a living wage, but also space to progress in said Felix to the person’s desire. This is all while maintaining a strict schedule while at work to ensure efficiency and time management.