Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @VoterIDPuddingGreen from New Jersey commented…5mos5MO

It's been measured accurately for the past few decades and the global mean has definitely risen. You're correct that there are many assumptions made when going further back than that.

 @LynxLeoRepublican from North Dakota commented…5mos5MO

Absurd. There is no way to do it.

 @SimilarP0pulistLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…5mos5MO

You are correct, it is modeling.

I would go one further and point out that temperature measurement has been getting less accurate over the last 40 years...

Urban island effect is mostly what is being observed. So if we don't have the last 100 years correct, 125K?

 @VoterIDPuddingGreen from New Jersey commented…5mos5MO

Actually geologist can tell the sea levels were much higher during the last interglacial period. Which indicates it was warmer.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Here's a basic fact for you – water, when it is frozen into ice, EXPANDS. Ice, when it melts, DETRACTS. ICE TAKES UP MORE SPACE THAN LIQUID. Try it at home, freeze a half-filled cup of water and see if it expands, I can guarantee it will, and then watch it detract as it melts. Therefore, if the world was truly getting warmer and the ice caps were melting, the sea level would be GOING DOWN rather than up.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

...And because we measured it for the past few decades we can somehow know what the temperature was 125,000 years ago? You've used a straw man fallacy, attacking a position we do not hold in order to swipe at our real decision in a way that doesn't show the obvious intellectual bankruptcy of your neohippy views. None of us ever claimed that logical records of temperature have not been kept for the past few decades, what we claimed, that records were not kept 125,000 years ago, has no been addressed, because it is clearly and demonstrably true.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

No because there’s this thing called analyzing the environment, such as checking rock patterns or fossilized life for the conditions and acidity of its time, allowing as one of many methods to help determine the approximate heat of this planet millenia ago.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

"Approximate heat of this planet millennia ago"? Sorry, but we can't use approximations when we're talking about a rise in temperature of a couple degrees, sometimes even a fraction of a degree! They can't tell you what the average temperature was 125,000 years ago in any specific detail AT ALL. They can just pull an answer out of their butts and force-feed it to the country through the media to gain more control over our lives. Don't let your trust in "science" trump common sense, the only reason science has advanced as far as it has is because people like Galileo (who, by the way, was a Christian) questioned the majority's agenda and made great discoveries because they had an open mind. That's how we learned the earth isn't flat and it's not the centre of the universe.

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