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6 Replies

 @Vot3rVo1ceHarryLibertarian from Ohio commented…5mos5MO

Great, bring our troops home. Iraq will fall apart and if Iran does anything stupid, bomb them back to stone age and we don't need nukes to do it. With Iran's nuke program, all we have to do is send cruise missiles to all entry and exit points. Wait six months and watch the mountain raise 6 ft and then drop back down 10ft. Iran's nuclear program would be gone, simple. No radiation leaks and no survivors to start their program back up. If they protest, tell them to pound sand wear the sun don't shine.

 @WittyJerkyRepublican from California commented…5mos5MO

Now why didn't our military think of that? Kind of an easy solution to a complex problem. If it was that easy the Israelis' would have done it long ago. I'm sure Trump would not have interfered with that mission.

It's not going to be that easy to get to their nuclear program in it's totality.

 @PolicyMariaRepublican from California commented…5mos5MO

This article should read "Iran Prime Minister Says U.S.-Led Military Coalition in Iraq Is No Longer Needed" since everyone knows who's really in charge there.

 @ZealfulActivistConstitution from California agreed…5mos5MO

Iran all but runs the Iraqi government with operatives embedded in key institutions and the security services and funding and arming the pro-Iranian paramilitaries. Iran aims to Lebanonize Iraq, keep it weak and under its control as part of its "axis of resistance" against Israel and to exert domination in the Arab world.


In what ways do you think the presence or absence of foreign military forces can impact the everyday lives of citizens in a country like Iraq?


What are your thoughts on the possibility that relying on foreign military support could compromise a nation's sovereignty or national pride?

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