Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @R3publicCheetahRepublican from Louisiana commented…5mos5MO

Very simple in America today: DeSantis actually has a brain. Actually has a track record. Actually can string multiple sentences together and create a logical paragraph. Actually has a track record of being Conservative. Actually has character. Actually can speak. He is actually a Republican. The closest thing to Ronald Reagan would be Ron DeSantis. Nickey Hailey is so far removed from conservative principles that she is more like Joe Biden than Harris.

 @TaxationKayleeDemocratfrom Maryland commented…5mos5MO

I don't disagree with your assessment of DeSantis, but he has run with a quickly failing strategy of triangulating around Trump instead of as his own man.

Vivek also did the same to a greater degree and has left.

Maybe they were doomed from the start to running in 28 given Trump's base: voters prefer Trump to Trump Lite.

Haley has run a more subtle race leaving room to appeal to independents that should lead to at least a VP slot if she doesn't catch on past NH.

 @SnailMariaRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…5mos5MO

Here's one DeSantis guy's take on things: As a matter of records and policy, DeSantis was and is the most conservative candidate, hands down. His record in Florida is exemplary pretty much across the board. As President, he would be the best chance to cut the Swamp down to size because he knows the ropes but does not have the scandal baggage Trump has.

Haley did a superb job as UN ambassador for 2 years, but in most other ways since, has revealed herself to be of the Swamp, so it is of no wonder that she does not want to debate DeSantis further in front of the nominally more conse…  Read more

 @CautiousS0c1alSecur1tyLibertarian from Georgia commented…5mos5MO

I disagree about Haley's term as governor. I begin following her decisions at about that time, and was not impressed. She is too interested in finding common ground rather than doing what's right. DeSantis is the best at identifying what needs to be done, and why, and then getting it done with minimal fuss. That makes him... boring. After 16 years of Obama, Trump, and Biden, I would very much like some boring predictability from a sane President.

 @FiercePolicyDemocrat from Arizona commented…5mos5MO

Time for Trump to run a positive campaign or face a loss to the worst president of all time: Joe Biden. How will he "make America great again?

Not by focusing on his enemies. Make new friends: keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.

 @ArdentBuckRepublican from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

The other GOP candidates are not his enemies: they are his competitors.

 @R1ghtWingGrizzlyGreen from California commented…5mos5MO

Debates (not actually debates at all) are not useful for voters.. The media promote shouting and often ask irrelevant questions. I prefer long-form town halls that include questions from the audience. No shouting, no interruptions and time enough for the candidates to provide lengthy answers and get into details. Let’s have more town halls.

 @OatmealEdSocialistfrom Northern Mariana Islands commented…5mos5MO

Agreed! The debates are all a competition of who can interrupt the most. I'd rather hear from real voters and give the candidates a chance to give a nuanced response. So many of our problems can't be answered in 15 seconds.


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